Connie Yoshimura
- homes
Connie Yoshimura, Broker/Owner of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Alaska Realty, has over 40 years of residential real estate sales experience in Anchorage. She holds the Luxury Collection Specialist Certification from Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices. This designation allows for BHHS luxury homes to be presented with specialty signage, global luxury open houses, and marketing in The Wall Street Journal and Unique Homes. Connie has consistently ranked in the top ten of individual realtor sales in the Anchorage area.
Connie has a Master of Fine Arts degree from the Writers Workshop at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, and uses her talent for writing to write popular real estate columns for the Anchorage Daily News, the Alaska Journal of Commerce and Homes by Design.
Awards and Recognition: 2021 & 2020 BHHS Chairman’s Circle Platinum Threshold Award, 2019 Realtor of the Year, 2019 Junior Achievement Business Hall of Fame Laureate, Past Chair of MOA Planning and Zoning Commission
Connie Yoshimura, Broker/Owner of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Alaska Realty, has over 40 years of residential real estate sales experience in Anchorage. She holds the Luxury Collection Specialist Certification from Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices. This designation allows for BHHS luxury homes to be presented with specialty signage, global luxury open houses, and marketing in The Wall Street Journal and Unique Homes. Connie has consistently ranked in the top ten of individual realtor sales in the Anchorage area.
Connie has a Master of Fine Arts degree from the Writers Workshop at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, and uses her talent for writing to write popular real estate columns for the Anchorage Daily News, the Alaska Journal of Commerce and Homes by Design.
Awards and Recognition: 2021 & 2020 BHHS Chairman’s Circle Platinum Threshold Award, 2019 Realtor of the Year, 2019 Junior Achievement Business Hall of Fame Laureate, Past Chair of MOA Planning and Zoning Commission
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Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Alaska Realty, 561 E. 36th Avenue Suite 200, Anchorage, AK, 99503, (907) 646-3600,