Christina Hunter
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Christina Hunter
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
- Phone: (907) 854-3024
Born in Homer and raised in Eagle River, Alaska, Christina graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy and traveled the world as a Naval Aviator, developing skills in leadership, process management, and the desire to provide the guidance and resources needed to see others excel in their own journeys. After returning home to Alaska, she earned her real estate salesperson license and joined Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Alaska Realty and the National Association of REALTORS due to their high levels of integrity and commitment to giving high value to clients. Christina loves to learn and is working through her long reading list of books she found in the local libraries or heard about on real estate, value investing, or business focused podcasts. When able, she dabbles in fiber and beading crafts. She lives in Eagle River with her husband and two energetic kids.
- Website Certified
- Referral Channel rCertified℠
- VA Loan Certified (VALC)
- Residential Construction CERTIFIED™
- English
Born in Homer and raised in Eagle River, Alaska, Christina graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy and traveled the world as a Naval Aviator, developing skills in leadership, process management, and the desire to provide the guidance and resources needed to see others excel in their own journeys. After returning home to Alaska, she earned her real estate salesperson license and joined Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Alaska Realty and the National Association of REALTORS due to their high levels of integrity and commitment to giving high value to clients. Christina loves to learn and is working through her long reading list of books she found in the local libraries or heard about on real estate, value investing, or business focused podcasts. When able, she dabbles in fiber and beading crafts. She lives in Eagle River with her husband and two energetic kids.
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Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Alaska Realty, 561 E. 36th Avenue Suite 200, Anchorage, AK, 99503, (907) 646-3600, info@bhhsalaska.com